Hundreds of procedures he performs each year, the last thing hair transplant surgeon Dr. Robert Dorin expected to do perform surgery on his father.
He was the father of Robert M. Doreen Molt for many years, but few people know how much bother him. Then one day in the function of the family, said Sheikh Doreen offer to his son, he planned treatment.
"It surprised me because my father knows what kind of work I am doing and he never said anything," said Doreen.
Doreen was caught off guard, however glad that his father taking things into their own hands. "Hair loss and my father, who finally reached the point where most of the hair in the frontal region fell," he said.
So decided Doreen in order to reach a surprise for him.
"Since the week before the anniversary of my father, I think it was a great opportunity to give him a gift that he will enjoy for the rest of his life," he said. "I made a procedure for Dad for next week."
Day of surgery, the two sides discussed details of the procedures and what to expect.
"I felt the excitement and watch things grow and my dad was formed," said Doreen. "He said he felt he realizes how he lost over the years and how will be able to be placed in a single action."
Procedure 1571 hair transplant grafts and took about 7 hours. Three weeks later, there was no telltale signs of hair transplantation. He must begin to enjoy the new outlook in three to six months.
"Working on my dad was something very special for me," said Doreen. "It was an honor to be able to do something that would have a lasting positive impact on his life. It is very similar to the way his actions and support formed my life."
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